Our sermons can be downloaded as MP3/MP4 file, as seen below. You can also stream the audio by using a streaming app, e.g. on your smartphone.
Bible passages: Titus
Sermon series: Mentoring in the Bible
by Ansgar Krug
on 9.2.2025
Bible passages: Ruth 1:1-22
Sermon series: Mentoring in the Bible
by Olivier Tchoing Godje
on 2.2.2025
Bible passage: Mt 4:17-22
Sermon series: Mentoring in the Bible
by Austin Owusu
on 26.1.2025
Bible passages: 1Tim 4:6-16
Sermon series: Mentoring in the Bible
by Matthias Lang
on 19.1.2025
Jesus said to them: "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst".
John 6:35 (New International Version)
The International Baptist Church of Bielefeld (IBC)
Flensburger Str. 2
33605 Bielefeld
+49 (0) 160 241 9661
info (at) ibc-bielefeld.org
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