Sermons 2020

Our sermons can be downloaded as MP3/MP4 file, as seen below. You can also stream the audio by using a streaming app, e.g. on your smartphone.


The Word became flesh (John 1:1-18)
Preaching: Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-12-27
MP3 Audio Datei 35.6 MB

The birth of the Messiah foretold (Luke 1:26-38)
Preaching: Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-12-20 Olivier.
MP3 Audio Datei 37.3 MB
Build your house on the rock (Matt 7:24-29)
Preaching: JP Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-12-06 JP Asaba
MP3 Audio Datei 40.4 MB
Advent! Advent? (Isaiah 40:1-10)
Preaching: Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-12-13 Frank Ja
MP3 Audio Datei 40.4 MB
Enter by the narrow gate (Matt 7:13-23)
Preaching: Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-11-29 Olivier.
MP3 Audio Datei 22.4 MB

Do not judge (Matthew 7:1-6)
Preaching: JP Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-11-22 JP.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 40.2 MB
With Christ Far Better
Ansgar Krug
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-11-15 Ansgar K
MP3 Audio Datei 47.8 MB

Do not retaliate
Preaching: John Paul Asaba
Sermon IBC BIelefeld 2020-11-11 John Pa
MP3 Audio Datei 37.9 MB
Love one another
John Paul Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-09-20 John Pau
MP3 Audio Datei 28.6 MB
Worship God with all what you have
Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-09-27 Frank Ja
MP3 Audio Datei 41.9 MB
Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil 4:4-9)
Preaching: John Paul Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-08-30 JP Asaba
MP3 Audio Datei 29.8 MB

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few
Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-08-23 Olivier
MP3 Audio Datei 11.3 MB
Preach the Word, in and out of season
John Paul Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-08-16 John Pau
MP3 Audio Datei 22.6 MB

Unity in the body of Christ
Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-07-19 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 11.5 MB
You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5 :13-23)
Preaching: Steven Kofi Anin
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-07-05 Stephen
MP3 Audio Datei 16.0 MB
Holiness: You are holy (1 Peter 1:13-25)
Preaching: Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-06-21 Frank Ja
MP3 Audio Datei 15.1 MB
Faith and/versus work (James 2:14-26, Romans 4:1-5)
Preaching: Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-07-12 Olivier.
MP3 Audio Datei 13.8 MB
The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17; 2 Cor 5:1-10)
Preaching: Xianghui Zhang
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-06-28 Xianghui
MP3 Audio Datei 12.8 MB
Set your hearts on things above
Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-06-14 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 6.8 MB

The Parable of the Sower
Xianghui Zhang
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-06-07 Xianghui
MP3 Audio Datei 22.4 MB
The work of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-13)
Preaching: Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-05-31 Olivier
MP3 Audio Datei 18.1 MB

The Ascension of Christ (Acts 1:1-11)
Preaching: Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-05-24 Frank Ja
MP3 Audio Datei 11.9 MB
Living by the spirit and not by the flesh
Preaching: John Paul Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-05-17 John Pau
MP3 Audio Datei 15.5 MB

A Task for Christian Life (Daniel 9:4-19)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-05-10 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 40.5 MB
Xianghui Zhang - Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ (Romans 8:28-39)
Preaching: Xianghui Zhang
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-05-03 Xianghui
MP3 Audio Datei 25.7 MB

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)
Preaching: Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-04-26 Olivier
MP3 Audio Datei 30.1 MB
Jesus appears to his disciples (Luke 24)
Preaching: Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-04-19 Frank Ja
MP3 Audio Datei 17.5 MB

Stop doubting and believe (John 20:1-29)
Preaching: Xianghui Zhang
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-04-12 Xianghui
MP3 Audio Datei 23.4 MB
Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King (Matthew 21:1-11)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-04-05 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 27.4 MB

Our King - yet an Odd Ruler (Matthew 27:27-31)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-03-22 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 31.3 MB
Why is God my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-03-15 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 10.4 MB

God does remember his mercy (Matthew 15:21-28)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-03-08 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 9.0 MB
The Lord is God; besides him there is no other (Deuteronomy 4:32-40)
Preaching: Xianghui Zhang
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-03-01 Xianghui
MP3 Audio Datei 17.5 MB

Warnings against becoming corrupt and making idols (Deuteronomy 4:15–31)
Preaching: Olivier Tchoing
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-02-23 Olivier
MP3 Audio Datei 12.1 MB
Watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things you have seen (Deuteronomy 3:23–4:14)
Preaching: Frank Janzen
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-02-16 Frank Ja
MP3 Audio Datei 16.2 MB

Pictures turning into windows (Mark 9:2–9)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-02-09 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 10.5 MB
Defeat of Sihon King of Heshbon and Og King of Bashan (Deuteronomy 2:24–3:11)
Preaching: JP Asaba
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-01-12 JP Asaba
MP3 Audio Datei 15.9 MB
Israel's wanderings in the Wilderness (Deuteronomy 2:1–25)
Preaching: Xianghui Zhang
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-01-26 Xianghui
MP3 Audio Datei 17.2 MB
Sing to the Lord a new song (Psalm 96)
Preaching: Stefan Prystawik
Sermon IBC Bielefeld 2020-01-05 Stefan P
MP3 Audio Datei 18.1 MB