Sermons 2022

Our sermons can be downloaded as MP3/MP4 file, as seen below. You can also stream the audio by using a streaming app, e.g. on your smartphone.


The Chruch in Antioch

Bible passage: Acts 11:19-30
Series on Revival

by Ansgar Krug
on 18.12.2022


Bible passage: Acts 2:1-13
Series on Revival

by Bernd Winkelsträter
on 27.11.2022

Advent for the Gentiles

Bible passage: Acts 10
Series on Revival

by Bernd Winkelsträter
on 11.12.2022


Bible passage: Jonah 3:1-10
Series on Revival

by Olivier Tchoing
on 13.11.2022

JOhn the Baptist

Bible passage: Luke 3:1-19
Series on Revival

by Ansgar Krug
on 20.11.2022

Revival in Josiah's time

Bible passage: 2 Chronicles 34
Series on Revival

by Ansgar Krug
on 23.10.2022



Bible passage: 1 Kings 18:15-46
Series on Revival

by Frank Janzen
on 06.11.2022



Bible passage: Joshua 24
Series on Revival

by Olivier Tchoing
on 02.10.2022



Bible passage: Exodus 32
Series on Revival

by Frank Janzen
on 25.09.2022


The ruthless elimination of hurry (conclusion)

Bible passage: various

by Olivier Tchoing
on 11.09.2022


The ruthless elimination of hurry

Bible passage: Ecclesiastes 3

by Ansgar Krug
on 28.08.2022
(we had most of our  Sunday sermons from Rightnow Media during July and August)


The believer's destiny

Bible passage: Psalm 73:1-5

by Olivier Tchoing
on 24.07.2022


Jesus heals a crippled woman

Bible passage: Luke 13:10-17

by Bernd Winkelsträter
on 03.07.2022


Introduction to spiritual warfare

Bible passage: Ephesians 6:10-20

by Olivier Tchoing
on 26.06.2022
(the end of the audio is missing, we apologize)


Church, the bride of Christ

Bible passage: Acts 2:42-47

by Frank Janzen
on 12.06.2022


A mysterious Companion

Bible passage: Acts 2:1-13

by Bernd Winkelsträter
on 05.06.2022


The Ascension of Christ

Bible passage: Acts 1:1-11

by Ansgar Krug
on 29.05.2022


Perfection in unity

Bible passage: John 17:13-26

by JP Asaba
on 15.05.2022


Children's ministry

Bible passage: Joel 2:15-16
Mothers' day

by Ansgar Krug
on 08.05.2022


The Great Comission

Bible passage: Matthew 28:16-20

by Frank Janzen
on 01.05.2022


Spiritual growth and maturity

Bible passage: 1 Corinthians 3:1-6

by Olivier Tchoing
on 24.04.2022


God does have a plan

Bible passage: John 21:1-3
Easter Sunday

by Bernd Winkelsträter
on 17.04.2022


The High Priestly prayer of Jesus

Bible passage: John 17

by Frank Janzen
on 10.04.2022


Run to win

Bible passage: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

by Frank Janzen
on 27.03.2022


The role and importance of fellowship

Bible passage: various

by Ansgar Krug
on 20.03.2022


The fellowship of the believers

Bible passage: Acts 2:42-47
Series on Togetherness

by Olivier Tchoing
on 06.03.2022


How to stay spiritual if you have a busy life?

Bible passage: various

by Bernd Winkelstraeter
on 27.02.2022


A biblical perpective on giving

Bible passage: Mark 12:41-44

by Olivier Tchoing
on 20.02.2022


Keep calm and...

Bible passage: Matthew 11:28-30

by Frank Janzen
on 13.02.2022


Not my will but yours be done

Bible passage: 2 Kings 5:1-19

by Ansgar Krug
on 06.02.2022


Battle against the flesh

Bible passage: Galatians 5:13-26

by Olivier Tchoing
on 30.01.2022


First things first

Bible passage: Jeremiah 2:13

by Frank Janzen
on 23.01.2022


Unity with a diversity of gifts

Bible passage: 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:11-14

by Bernd Winkelstraeter
on 16.01.2022


Do not be anxious but pray

Bible passage: Philippians 4:4-9

by Olivier Tchoing
on 09.01.2022


A new beginning

Bible passage: Ezekiel 36:16-38, 2 Corinthians 5:15-17

New year sermon

by Olivier Tchoing
on 02.01.2022